When an EAP just isn’t enough…

If you have health insurance through your employer, you might have access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Many EAPs offer access to mental health professionals who can help individual employees navigate problems such as work-related stress, grief, chemical dependency, and depression.

But many employees find EAPs hard to navigate and what good is a program that you can’t access?

While mental health insurance parity and EAP counseling services are valuable components of workplace wellness programs, they are vastly underutilized by the working population. Several factors contribute to this problem, including:

  • lack of awareness about the existence of these services

  • confusion about their offerings

  • inadequate training of managers to recognize and refer employees to such programs when indicated

H&S Wellness Consultants can help provide in-house services to address many of these issues.

We offer a clear, streamlined path for each employee to access better skills in managing stress and emotional difficulty, setting and achieving goals, and improving communication.

Contact us today to continue the conversation!



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