Dr. Jackie Henry Dr. Jackie Henry

Navigating Grief and Moral Injury in Veterinary Medicine 

Veterinary professionals face unique mental health challenges, including grief from frequent loss and moral injury from ethical dilemmas like non-elective euthanasia or prolonged suffering. These stressors can lead to compassion fatigue, burnout, and emotional exhaustion, significantly impacting well-being and career longevity.

At H&S Wellness Consultants, we offer evidence-based strategies like mindfulness practices, grief support, ethics consultations, and resilience training to help veterinary teams navigate these challenges. Partner with us to enhance emotional resilience, foster compassionate care, and build a sustainable future for your veterinary practice.

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Dr. Jackie Henry Dr. Jackie Henry

The Power of Self-Compassion in High-Stress, Values-Driven Industries

In fast-paced, mission-driven industries, stress and burnout are common. Practicing self-compassion can reduce anxiety, enhance resilience, and improve job performance. Learn how mindful awareness, positive self-talk, and taking breaks can help you thrive in your career while maintaining your well-being. Discover tips for fostering a compassionate work culture and why self-care is essential for long-term success.

Stay balanced, stay productive—start practicing self-compassion today!

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Dr. Heidi Strohmaier Dr. Heidi Strohmaier

Industry Spotlight: Stress in Healthcare

Learn more about the unique pressures facing healthcare providers, and what can be done to promote better employee wellness in this pivotal, high-stress industry.

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Dr. Heidi Strohmaier Dr. Heidi Strohmaier

The Heartbeat of Success: Why Communication is Key to Effective Teamwork

Effective communication isn't just a part of teamwork; it's the lifeblood that sustains it. It connects team members, fosters collaboration, and transforms a group of unique individuals into a cohesive unit. So, whether you work for a healthcare organization, a professional sports team, or a community non-profit, remember that clear, open, and respectful communication is the key to unlocking your team's full potential and achieving success together.

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Dr. Heidi Strohmaier Dr. Heidi Strohmaier

From Vision to Reality: Financing Workplace Wellness

By promoting employee health and wellness, businesses can strategically position themselves to attract top talent and reduce costs associated with healthcare, absenteeism, presenteeism, turnover, and workers’ compensation claims.

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