Helping people work well.

A boutique consulting agency specializing in customized wellness services for high-stress, values-driven organizations.

H&S Wellness Consultants

We believe employee wellbeing helps a business thrive.

Whether you’re an employer or an individual, we’ll help you and your team…

Reduce burnout

Enhance emotional wellbeing

Improve interpersonal skills

Meet Dr. Heidi & Dr. Jackie

How it works.

We provide customized recommendations and services for a thriving organizational culture that works well. Meet with us to discuss your organization’s vision, values, goals & challenges.

Our services, tailored to meet YOUR specific needs, may include:

  • Speaking engagements & trainings

  • One-on-one coaching for employees and leaders

  • Small group sessions

  • Staff retreats

  • An extensive digital library of workbooks, videos, audio exercises, and other self-help materials

  • Curated monthly wellness newsletter

  • Digital courses

Experience growth.

Identify your starting point.

What are your organization’s top values?

Our assessments offer clarification.

Customize your services.

Not sure where to start?

Our menu of options is tailored to meet your needs and is sensitive to your budget.

Differentiate yourself.

Looking to set your business apart?

Become a company that prioritizes wellness.

See results.


We’ll collaborate with you to measure the outcomes that matter most to your organization.

Let’s get growing!

We’ll be with you every step of the way.